Fairy Tales 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm not buying it...

The Aarne-Thompson Classification system brings many elements into question when examining the reasoning for the continuing emergence of the same folktales with the same underlying meaning on various parts of the planet. It has been explained as the result of the subconscious motivations of all human beings as we supposedly all think alike, as well as the constant migration of people to different parts of the world. However, just because the stories are repeated in various parts of the world does not answer the question as to why they remain so popular. If one takes a broader perspective and thinks about how we are all unique in our own way in terms of looks, genetic make-up, and thought processes, then how do we all know what is right from wrong? A more logical thought would be that we have been conditioned from the moment we were born to accept certain moral and cultural ideals; arguably from a patriarchal society which has continued to push a gender, social, and racial hierarchy as long as history has been recorded. This leads to the possibility of the enactment of a hidden agenda by the patriarchs who have ruled society for ages opposed to a non-scientific conclusion of us all just happening to think the same. It is difficult to believe everyone imagines the world to be one way as I myself do not necessarily think in these terms. There is no way I would ever be caught dead remaining silent for an extended period of time in order to appease my significant other (male), ever. This simple example forces one to investigate the validity of the reasoning that has been presented to the general public (by males of course). Considering an alternative perspective may lead one to the possibility of exposing a conspiracy that has successfully manipulated popular culture into denouncing activities that threaten patriarchal control for thousands of years on end.

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